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Stealing – Is It Worth It? (The Breastplate of Righteousness)

armor-of-godill-gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death Proverbs 10:2

We read in the newspapers and hear on the news stories about embezzlers. These people believed they could sneak money out of their employers’ accounts without getting caught. In the end they not only have to pay all the money back, they spend time in prison as well.

Satan enjoys making people believe it’s OK to take things that don’t belong to us. He wants us to think we won’t get caught and there will be no consequences for our actions.

The BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS guards our hearts from giving in to the temptations placed before us. It reminds us that no good can come from stealing. Nothing of earthly material value is free. Eventually we have to pay for it, either up front in order to obtain it or later by paying the penalty for taking it.

People wearing the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS during these battles are able to resist the urge to take what doesn’t belong to them. They don’t have to fear getting caught and punished because they’re not giving in to the allurement provided the devil.

These temptations can be very strong at times. Satan knows when we are the most vulnerable. He is aware of where to stick it to us that can do the most damage to our lives. The BREASTPLATE is God’s barrier placed in front of us to stop the evil seductions from penetrating.

The devil’s enticements have no control over people who employ God’s protection and rely on Him to help them resist. Wear the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS with confidence and trust that God will help you stand up against whatever Satan puts in front of you.

APPLICATION: There are many forms of stealing – from taking material things that aren’t ours to cheating, plagiarism, or blackmail. Are you facing any of these temptations today? STOP! Think about what you’re doing and go to God for strong resistance before you go any further.

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